Facial changes caused by Bruxism (teeth grinding)

Our looks form a major part of our self confidence. Also, people form a primitive outlook about us based on our facial features and expression. In such a scenario, facial changes caused by bruxism (teeth grinding) can hamper our self confidence and distort our expressions. Today, we discuss about such changes in look caused byContinue reading “Facial changes caused by Bruxism (teeth grinding)”

What Causes Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?

Bruxism is the medical term used to describe repetitive clenching of teeth, that starts to negatively impact our teeth, gums, oral-perioral muscles and Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). It’s commonly known as Teeth Grinding. Article Contents What are the Types of Bruxism ? What are the Causes of Bruxism (teeth grinding) ? Why do only some peopleContinue reading “What Causes Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?”

Online project: bruxism remedies

Bruxism is a widespread problem. Causes can be very diverse, but often stress related. As a result, solutions are difficult to find. There is growing evidence teeth grinding can be solved through a multidisciplinary approach like the “5P method” (psychology, physical therapy, plates, pills, and education). But other solutions exist. The online bruxism remedy listContinue reading “Online project: bruxism remedies”

NYT: “Night Guards are not the ideal solution for bruxism”

As written by The New York Times, about one year ago, under the title “Bruxism? The dentist’s chair isn’t the best place to address it”. The article had a clear opinion about night guards, they did not live While night guards may help to prevent some dental wear and tear, some studies suggest they can beContinue reading “NYT: “Night Guards are not the ideal solution for bruxism””