Bruxism : caused by Stress, Anxiety and Depression ?

Are you under constant stress ? Or do you experience anxiety ? Or are you depressed ? Then you have higher chances of developing bruxism.  Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, depression and frustration have been known to cause bruxism. Today, we aim to explain the mechanism behind how such psychological factors cause teeth grinding andContinue reading “Bruxism : caused by Stress, Anxiety and Depression ?”

What Causes Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?

Bruxism is the medical term used to describe repetitive clenching of teeth, that starts to negatively impact our teeth, gums, oral-perioral muscles and Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). It’s commonly known as Teeth Grinding. Article Contents What are the Types of Bruxism ? What are the Causes of Bruxism (teeth grinding) ? Why do only some peopleContinue reading “What Causes Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?”