Mouth-guards : Do they reduce adverse effects of Bruxism?

Mouthguards are the first line of treatment for tooth grinding or bruxism. Today, we’ll go over everything there is to know about them in order to answer your queries. Article’s content What are mouthguards ? Mouth-guards are known by names like occlusal splints or night guards. The name night guard is derived from its usageContinue reading “Mouth-guards : Do they reduce adverse effects of Bruxism?”

Facial changes caused by Bruxism (teeth grinding)

Our looks form a major part of our self confidence. Also, people form a primitive outlook about us based on our facial features and expression. In such a scenario, facial changes caused by bruxism (teeth grinding) can hamper our self confidence and distort our expressions. Today, we discuss about such changes in look caused byContinue reading “Facial changes caused by Bruxism (teeth grinding)”

The adverse effects of Bruxism (teeth grinding) ?

Bruxism (teeth grinding) is a multifactorial condition which may remain undiagnosed for a long time. During this period, we see the side effects of bruxism on our teeth, gums, muscles, and TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Later on, these side effects can lead to clinically evident signs like tooth wear or painful symptoms like sensitive teeth. Article’sContinue reading “The adverse effects of Bruxism (teeth grinding) ?”