The link between eye muscles, neck pain and jaw pain

The human body is an intricate system, where each part is interconnected and plays a vital role in overall functioning. In this context, we will delve into the fascinating link between the eye muscles, neck pain, and jaw pain. This connection may seem unlikely at first, but understanding it can provide valuable insights into managing and preventing discomfort in these areas.

Understanding the Anatomy

An anatomical diagram showing the connections between the eye muscles

Before we delve into the connection, it’s essential to understand the basic anatomy of the eye muscles, neck, and jaw. The eye muscles, also known as extraocular muscles, control the movement of the eyes. They allow us to look in different directions without moving our head.

The neck, on the other hand, is a complex structure made up of bones, muscles, nerves, and vessels. It supports the head and allows its movement. Neck pain can arise from various issues, including muscle strain, poor posture, or underlying health conditions.

The jaw consists of several parts, including the mandible (lower jaw) and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. Discomfort or pain in the jaw can be a result of TMJ disorders, teeth grinding, or certain medical conditions.

The Connection Explained

Now that we have a basic understanding of the anatomy, let’s explore the connection between the eye muscles, neck pain, and jaw pain. The key to this link lies in the concept of referred pain and muscle strain.

Referred pain is a phenomenon where pain is felt in a part of the body other than its actual source. This happens because of the complex network of nerves in our body. For instance, a problem with the jaw or the neck can cause pain in the eye muscles and vice versa.

Furthermore, strain or tension in the eye muscles can lead to discomfort in the neck and jaw. This is because when the eye muscles are strained, for example, during prolonged screen time, it can cause the muscles in the neck and jaw to tighten in response, leading to pain in these areas.

Signs and Symptoms

Understanding the signs and symptoms of this interconnected pain can help in early detection and management. Some common signs include:

  • Eye discomfort or pain, especially after prolonged focus
  • Neck stiffness or pain
  • Jaw discomfort or pain, often accompanied by a clicking or popping sound
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Difficulty in moving the neck, jaw, or eyes

Prevention and Management

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some strategies to prevent strain and discomfort in the eye muscles, neck, and jaw:

  1. Regular breaks: Taking regular breaks during prolonged periods of focus can help prevent eye muscle strain.
  2. Good posture: Maintaining a good posture can prevent neck and jaw strain. Ensure your screen is at eye level and avoid slouching.
  3. Exercises: Regular exercises that target the eyes, neck, and jaw can help strengthen these muscles and prevent discomfort.

If you’re already experiencing discomfort or pain, it’s important to seek professional help. Physical therapists can provide targeted exercises and strategies to manage the pain. In some cases, medication or other treatments may be necessary.


The connection between the eye muscles, neck pain, and jaw pain is a testament to the complexity of the human body. By understanding this link, we can better manage and prevent discomfort in these areas. Remember, it’s always important to listen to your body and seek professional help when needed.

If you’re experiencing neck or jaw pain, it could be linked to bruxism, a condition often associated with teeth grinding. BruxismAcademy offers a comprehensive online course designed to help you understand and reduce this behavior. Set up by an independent physiotherapist specialized in jaw joint disorders, our courses provide an introduction to the causes and symptoms of clenching and bruxing. Take the first step towards managing your symptoms with our free basic course. Learn about the online bruxism program today and start your journey to relief.