Review of the effectiveness of biofeedback for treating Bruxism

A new study published this week (January 2023) suggests that biofeedback may be an effective treatment option for individuals suffering from bruxism (teeth grinding) during the day. Understanding Biofeedback Devices for Bruxism What are biofeedback devices, and how do they work for bruxism treatment?Can biofeedback devices effectively detect teeth grinding and clenching? The study, whichContinue reading “Review of the effectiveness of biofeedback for treating Bruxism”

Hypnotherapy as treatment for bruxism

Bruxism is a common disorder that involves the grinding and clenching of the teeth, typically during sleep. It can cause a range of symptoms, including jaw pain, headache, and tooth damage. While there are several treatment options for bruxism, listed here, hypnotherapy is also a potential treatment option that can be considered, particularly in certainContinue reading “Hypnotherapy as treatment for bruxism”

The dental metaverse is the future

The dental community has expressed a growing interest in the metaverse and its applications. How come? What is the Metaverse? The metaverse is a virtual environment that simulates the natural world via multisensory interactions with 3D objects. In other words, the metaverse ecosystem is a 3D world simulation or twin world. Think of the MetaverseContinue reading “The dental metaverse is the future”

Overview article on bruxism

Since 2020, dentists and other oral health professionals around the world have seen a sharp increase in the number of patients seeking treatment for problems caused by bruxism, a fancy word for grinding and clenching your teeth with force. While bruxism is fairly common, with pre-pandemic data suggesting that 31% of adults were chronic chompersContinue reading “Overview article on bruxism”

Podcast: Bruxism in New Zealand

In this podcast of Radio New Zealand, dentist Dr Mo Amso talks about bruxism. Some key take aways: New Zealand dentists see a increase in bruxism cases in their practices Affects females more than males and predominantly 35-to-50-year-olds and professionals. Often these people have high stress, because of their personality or their work Stress is theContinue reading “Podcast: Bruxism in New Zealand”

Covid proves link between Bruxism and Psychological Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the routine way of life, and caused stress and uncertainty with many people. There is existing evidence that proves the link between bruxism and stress. A Serbian study evaluated the frequency of probable bruxism within a group of students in Serbia, and analysed the potential association between psychological factorsContinue reading “Covid proves link between Bruxism and Psychological Issues”

Online project: bruxism remedies

Bruxism is a widespread problem. Causes can be very diverse, but often stress related. As a result, solutions are difficult to find. There is growing evidence teeth grinding can be solved through a multidisciplinary approach like the “5P method” (psychology, physical therapy, plates, pills, and education). But other solutions exist. The online bruxism remedy listContinue reading “Online project: bruxism remedies”

Link between bruxism and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Bruxism can be part of extrapyramidal symptoms which are known for paroxetine as well as for other SSRIs / SNRIs (i.e. citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine). Tere is increasingly good evidence of a link with selective 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake inhibitor (selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitor [SSRI]) use,42 especially citalopram and sertraline, which may be dose linked, as wellContinue reading “Link between bruxism and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)”

NYT: “Night Guards are not the ideal solution for bruxism”

As written by The New York Times, about one year ago, under the title “Bruxism? The dentist’s chair isn’t the best place to address it”. The article had a clear opinion about night guards, they did not live While night guards may help to prevent some dental wear and tear, some studies suggest they can beContinue reading “NYT: “Night Guards are not the ideal solution for bruxism””