Bruxism : caused by Stress, Anxiety and Depression ?

Are you under constant stress ? Or do you experience anxiety ? Or are you depressed ? Then you have higher chances of developing bruxism.  Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, depression and frustration have been known to cause bruxism. Today, we aim to explain the mechanism behind how such psychological factors cause teeth grinding andContinue reading “Bruxism : caused by Stress, Anxiety and Depression ?”

Covid proves link between Bruxism and Psychological Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the routine way of life, and caused stress and uncertainty with many people. There is existing evidence that proves the link between bruxism and stress. A Serbian study evaluated the frequency of probable bruxism within a group of students in Serbia, and analysed the potential association between psychological factorsContinue reading “Covid proves link between Bruxism and Psychological Issues”

Bruxism in children: how to help them stop grinding their teeth?

Although bruxism is well known in adults, the situation is quite different for children. We are often caught off guard when our little ones suffer from it. How do you know if your child is bruxing? What are the solutions? Let’s take stock of this phenomenon so that we don’t have to worry about it!Continue reading “Bruxism in children: how to help them stop grinding their teeth?”