Smoking and Bruxism: A dreadful combination

Smoking is a well-known cause of disease and death. The bad consequences, however, multiply and become crippling when different conditions coexist. Smoking & Teethgrinding is one example of such a combination. Today, we’ll discuss how smoking affects your body and leads to bruxism, or teeth grinding, which can make it painful to smile and causeContinue reading “Smoking and Bruxism: A dreadful combination”

What Causes Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?

Bruxism is the medical term used to describe repetitive clenching of teeth, that starts to negatively impact our teeth, gums, oral-perioral muscles and Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). It’s commonly known as Teeth Grinding. Article Contents What are the Types of Bruxism ? What are the Causes of Bruxism (teeth grinding) ? Why do only some peopleContinue reading “What Causes Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?”

Link between bruxism and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Bruxism can be part of extrapyramidal symptoms which are known for paroxetine as well as for other SSRIs / SNRIs (i.e. citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine). Tere is increasingly good evidence of a link with selective 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake inhibitor (selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitor [SSRI]) use,42 especially citalopram and sertraline, which may be dose linked, as wellContinue reading “Link between bruxism and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)”